If you’ve seen our video, “Open Your Eyes,” or followed along with my play-by-play cosplay picture posts, you’re probably familiar with what I’ve come to call the Legend of Zelda Cosplay Project.
This project began as an effort to do cosplay in reverse, as it were.
Go to any Comic Con and you’ll see hundreds of cosplayers trying to look like Link from the Legend of Zelda games. There are a lot of amazing Link cosplays out there, but for this project, we wanted to do something different. We wanted to pull Link out of the pixelverse and reimagine him as a hero in the real world.
Aden started the project by creating a Link costume founded in historical themes and practical battle readiness, but by the time our first photoshoot rolled around it had become clear that this wasn’t going to be enough.
The character Link doesn’t exist in a vacuum, so we couldn’t believably pull transport him into reality without pulling the whole world of Hyrule along with him.
The result was something truly amazing. Link and Hyrule literally came to life for us, with cosplay action like you’ve never seen before and epic battles against fearsome foes—all set in the most fantasy-like places our incredible planet has to offer!
Now, together for the first time, I bring you the complete set of Legend of Zelda cosplay pictures that Aden (Link) and I created over the last two years!
Click on the pictures to see the full size images or—to learn more about the research and source material behind the pictures (or just to remind yourself of what the original monster looked like)—click on the links in each section to learn more about how we created each image. Enjoy!
1. Fyrus, the Twilit Igniter
Remember Darbus, the Goron from Twilight Princess who suffered from a severe case of spontaneous combustion? Turns out he’s even scarier in real life…
To read more about how we made this photo, check out this blog post!
2. Wolfos
Wolves hunt in packs. Apparently, so do Wolfos…
To read more about how we made this photo, check out this blog post!
3. Loftwing
As it turns out, Loftwings are actually based on a real-life bird: the Shoebill!
To learn more about the Shoebill and how we made this photo, check out this blog post!
4. Levias
Nothing screams Asian fantasy like a flying whale, right?
To read more about how we made this photo, check out this blog post!
5. Phantom Ganon, Evil Spirit from Beyond
One of these paintings is not like the other…right?
For more details about what went into this photo, check out this blog post!
6. Aeralfos
“Lizalfos…Lizalfos with wings!”
For more info about how we made this photo, check out this blog post!
7. Koloktos, the Ancient Automaton
Fun fact: Koloktos has a real-world look-alike in San Francisco!
To learn more about the Koloktos look-alike statue featured in this picture and how we created this image, click here!
8. The Temple of Time
Bring back any memories?
To learn more about how we recreated the Temple of Time for this picture, click here!
9. Song of the Sun
No Legend of Zelda cosplay project would be complete without an ocarina pic, right?
Click here to learn more about this photo!
10. Armogohma, the Armored Arachnid
Remember that moment when you finally make it to the boss room in the Deku Tree? There’s nothing there…until suddenly a giant eye appears on the ceiling.
Just imagine how scary that “oh shoot” moment would have been if this bad boy had been hiding up there:
To learn more about how we recreated one of the most iconic recurring bosses in the Zelda franchise, click here!
11. Ook, the Monkey King
Remember the goofy, rump-slapping baboon from Twilight Princess? You laughed then, but who’s got the last laugh now?
For more info on what went into creating this fight scene, click here!
12. Din’s Fire
Remember this awesome spell from Ocarina of Time? Very handy for dealing with Wallmasters, not so much for dealing with Keese…
Learn more about the making of this picture here.
13. Farore’s Wind
If Din’s Fire didn’t get you out of a pinch, Farore’s Wind was always a good “get out of jail free” card.
Our take on Farore’s Wind is a tad more artistic than the original spell, click here to learn more!
14. Nayru’s Love
Rounding out the Triforce Trifecta of spells from Ocarina of Time, we have Nayru’s Love! (personally, I never use this spell, but I know some people love it).
For more info on how we created this picture, click here.
15. Ganon
Ganon was scary in 320 x 240 px resolution. In real life, he’s terrifying.
Creating a giant pig boss that didn’t look like…well, a giant pig boss…took some doing. Click here to find out how we created this picture!
16. Morpha, the Giant Aquatic Amoeba
Because, well, attacking water with a sword makes all sorts of sense…
This was the very first picture we created for the Legend of Zelda Cosplay Project. Learn more here!
17. Great Deku Tree
Well, a talking tree told me to do it, so I guess I’m off to save Hyrule! #talkingtreessavelives

Find out more about how we recreated the Deku Tree here.
18. Stallord, the Twilit Fossil
After working for years as a paleontologist, I couldn’t wait to recreate Stallord from Twilight Princess!
To learn more about the research and anatomy that went into creating this monster, click here.
19. Shadow Beast
Here we go again…didn’t we beat these guys like 12 times already?
For more info about how we made this photo, check out this blog post!
20. And…Another Loftwing!
Let’s face it, who can get enough of flying around Hyrule?
For more information about what went into creating this picture, click here.
21. Volvagia, the Subterranean Lava Dragon
Fighting this version of Volvagia promises to be a little less “whack-a-mol” and a lot more “run for your life!”
Gives a little more meaning to the name, “Death Mountain,” doesn’t it?
22. Freezard
It’s an ice cube…with halitosis.
Click here to learn more about how we recreated this classic Legend of Zelda foe.
23. Poe
Poes would have been a lot more scary if they looked like this.
To learn more about what went into creating this picture, click here.
24. Demise, the Demon King
Dude, you messed with the wrong guy’s girlfriend…
Learn how we recreated this epic, pivotal battle from Skyward Sword here!
25. Argorok, the Twilit Dragon
Remember this boss fight? The one where Link finally gets to live out his childhood dream of being Spider-Man?
In all seriousness, though, there’s nothing better than fighting dragons. Click here to learn more about how we recreated this high-flying battle!
26. Fairy Fountain
Here, fairy, fairy, fairy…isn’t this a pretty glass bottle?
To learn more about how we created this fairy fountain, click here!
27. Cuccos
And now, for Link’s greatest foe!
Click here to learn more about this photo!
28. Shadow Link
It’s like a Peter Pan moment gone wrong…
For more info on how we created this picture, click here.
29. King Bulblin and Lord Bullbo
“He’s a big pig…yep, yep…you could ride a big pig, too!”
No Legend of Zelda tribute would be complete without a shot of Link and Epona on Hyrule Field. Learn more about how we created this shot here!
30. Gerudo Guard
If the Gerudo Valley teaches us anything, it’s “Never send construction workers in to do a Hero of Time’s job.”
To learn more about how we created this picture, click here.
31. Scaldera, the Pyroclastic Fiend
Yes, the original Scaldera looks like Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc set himself on fire…
Our version is a bit more epic. To learn more about how we transformed one of the goofier bosses of the Zelda franchise into a truly frightening foe, click here!
32. Twinrova, the Sorceress Sisters
“They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky, they’re altogether ooky, the Twinrova Sisters!”
In all seriousness, though, this picture is one of my favorites from the project (and I’m actually in it, believe it or not!). Find out why here!
33. Ganondorf, King of Evil
Last, but not least, it’s the King of Evil himself!
If this picture doesn’t bring back memories of facing down evil incarnate on the plains of Hyrule, I don’t know what will! Here’s how we made this epic Link cosplay picture!
From mini-bosses to final fights, from reverential scenes to chaotic flocking chickens, these pictures are our attempt to capture all the magic of the Legend of Zelda franchise and pair it with the incomparable beauty of the real world.
This adventure may be over (for now), but our creative commitment is as strong as ever. Check out our other posts to discover more incredible quality cosplay and fan art from more of your favorite universes like Avatar, the Last Airbender and The Lord of the Rings!
You can expect some more Zelda creations in the future too. Since we began this project Nintendo released a new Adult-Link flagship game: Breath of the Wild, and it has our creative wheels spinning!
I hope you enjoyed this creative tribute! Be sure to watch our animated video montage to see the powerful story that this collection of pictures tells!